Friday, May 30, 2014

Baby Momma

Did I miss the Baby Momma Memo?
That said despite having a non-committed, deadbeat, non-existent, and proud on one day on the sixth month of the year child’s father is a badge though?
Even if he was a MD, PHD, had a Masters, Bachelors, Diploma, or an on the road to success entrepreneurial GED;
You let his hand slide over what’s already halfway off because “It Seems Like You’re Ready” with his sweet tooth, you just gave him the cookie.
He showed you caution and warning signs, but you stayed on his bus and kept driving his way.
Even “The boy A.I. had more in Carmen” than you and he in common, thinking, “Shorty swing my way, You sure look good to me, Now would you please swing my way, shorty swing my way.”
We live in a Microwave Society where a home cooked stove and oven made dinner is now frozen and microwaved.
You never set the boundaries, so he set his microwave on high thinking, “You gon’ get this work”, for the fastest time he can put in work, get you heated, and enjoy with a smile on his face while he skeet skeet “To the window, to the wall” like a game you got played.
If you took the time to do your research, you would have found out previous comments said, he was a tough pill to swallow, and the good looking commercial façade had fine legal print you ignored and nine months later you now assume all responsibility for…
I’m with you.  He is a whore.
What does that say about you?  He defined your worth with shopping bags from labeled stores.
You ever heard him talk about his Father?  You ever heard him talk to his Mother?
Has he ever spoken of a previous relationship that lasted longer than your Facebook Chat and he trusted her?
Oh, then he was a great salesman and a liar.
He got the commission, left you with a two person, only one signed contract that you can’t get out of because one of the parties can’t be found.
Let’s not give you a round of applause, not because of one slight lapse in judgment, but because you didn't learn the first go round.
It’s not all your fault, but the solution does lie with you.
A woman who prays dictates she is not the prey; let that man get his hands dirty trying to prove he is worthy for you.
You’re not his teacher, don’t promote him if he is not ready.
If he is a “child” then leave him behind, no Bush.  Take it back.  Let him fight for you like Zach and Slater over Kelly.
We know you’re his child’s Mother, but we only know how to pass judgment on your past reluctance when you wear on your chest, the fact that you gave the first gift, what should have been the third, after the ring and his name to an unworthy, unequally yoked other.


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